Monday, October 25, 2010

My Last Day Being A Civilian

The day has finally come.
The moment of truth.

I draft into the Israeli army tomorrow morning at 7:30am.

I'm feeling great and as prepared as ever!

My bag is packed, my shoes are shined, my attitude is optimistic, and my body has been fine tuned for this day.

It only hit me a few hours ago just how serious this next journey really is going to be.
I'm putting my life on the line and to be honest, I'm a little nervous.

I've jumped some cliffs before, been in a high speed car chase, fallen in love, & spoken in public but this next step of becoming a soldier, firing a deadly weapon, and being responsible for my country's' safety, that's heavy stuff.

Like all things though, the hardest step to take is always the first.
It's like waking up in the morning, it's difficult to get out of bed the moment you open your eyes, but once you're up, you're smooth sailing and the day is on.


I literally have no idea what position I'm going to have, what kind of training I'm going to get, and when I'll be going home next. What I do know is that I'm happy and motivated to do this.
I expect nothing, but am ready for everything.

I have a few goals that I'd like to achieve by the end of my service.
1. To consistently improve myself .
2. To treat people with respect and love even in times of stress or even crisis.
3. To improve my Hebrew (I've been in Israel for about a year and 2 months and could always enhance my second language)
& lastly (4.) To make a positive difference to all those I encounter.

Thanx for joining me on this next step forward in my life.
It's probably time I go pray and get to bed.

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." - Paul Valery


Adam Ezekiel

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The moment truth!
I completed my 1 year documentary of my first year in Israel.

The reason behind creating the documentary was simple.
To convey to the world that doing the right thing, following your heart, and chasing your dreams has great reward.

Investigating the meaning to life, discovering the answer, and pursuing fulfillment will be the most beneficial decision of one's life.

I attempted to portray the immense decision of leaving Toronto with authentic interviews with close friends and their feelings of me leaving Canada. Furthermore I used photo's of my childhood and upbringing to show the connectedness I had to a certain lifestyle. That combined with video footage and photo's from my year in Israel united to give over the tremendous message of looking deeper into one's life and the potential results of investing time into one's soul.

Furthermore I wanted to engage the viewer to see the importance of me eventually serving in the Israeli army.

I hope you enjoy the documentary as much as I enjoyed making it.
So now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


copy and paste this link into your browser to watch online:

or type into youtube: my first year in israel part 1



Adam Ezekiel