Searching for something, searching for someone.
Someone to complete your soul.
Someone that ignites passion in your heart.
Someone you believe in.
Someone that just by being with them motivates you to be better.
Someone you think about all day.
Someone that when you stare it, you feel a powerful energy between the two of you emitting so strongly that everyone around feels it too.
We all want true love.
This is my story...
The journey all began 3 and half years ago.
It was then, I decided to sacrifice the high life for a deeper, more meaningful way to live.
I came to Israel to develop the spiritual side of me.
In that time, I felt I needed to restore the innocence and pure outlook I once had about women for the reason that in western society man is praised for his way with the ladies. Without getting into too much detail, this way of life only desensitizes the incredible, immense beauty of a woman.
So long story short, I took upon myself 2 things.
1. Minimize myself touching girls.
2. I decided to not have sex until I get married.
It was the hardest thing I ever did. No doubt.
Ultimately throughout the journey I truly felt I the sensitivity returned. That feeling of butterfly's, and heart pounding when with a girl.
That was step one.
Step two was going girl hunting, but not like any other time before.
I didn't want just any girl, I wanted to find a wife.
So I didn't go looking in bars and clubs. I wanted to get a girl with great morals, similar values, has not been a slut, someone that will make a great wife and mother, and many more important traits. So I went searching through religious Jewish events, institutions, teachers, and friends.
I went on dates with many girls. Most were very wonderful, however there was always something missing.
Then in July of 2011, the week of my birthday. I got a phone call from a good friend of mine. He told me that he has an amazing girl for me. That she is his wife's best friend! That she's everything I'm looking for.
He told me he'd set the whole thing up and I would just have to show up!
What an interesting concept.
I said, I'd give it a shot.
The day came and I was giving it a second thought. In fact I was thinking about buying a car that day.
My dad asked me what my plans were and I said I have a date, but I might cancel because there's a great deal on a car and the seller wants to meet me today. My dad said "what about the girl? What if' she's the one?" So I said, "they're usually not"... so he responded with "what if this time it is? You should go. I'll check the car out for you, besides I know more about cars then you anyway (before my dad became a director of an airline, he started off as an aircraft engineer...but anyway...).
So I decided to go.
I took a 1.5 hour bus ride to Jerusalem.
I get to this classy coffee shop and outside there are 2 benches both with a girl at each. The girls had similar I didn't know which one to approach. The main difference between the girls was one looked decent and one looked like the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
I had to make a choice...
I figured, just go for the gold.
So I walked up to the gorgeous girl, and to my surpirse, she said "Adam?"
I was soooooooooo excited!
We sat down, and the date really took flight. We had amazing chemistry and time flew by to the point I had to run to catch the last bus of the night home. What's amazing and funny is that she escorted me to my bus stop and rather than I escorting her to hers.
I realized right there and then, that we had something special.
The next date with just as amazing. Only this time I brought with me a beautiful sunflower. I figured, if she is the one, I might as well take the extra effort and do something sweet for her, she'll remember it forever.
Like Steve Jobs once said, if this was the last day of my life would I make this decision.
Hell yeah.
On that date, I remember losing track of space and time. Just totally getting in zone with this girl on a deep level of conversation all in Hebrew!! Two years in a new country and having a smooth conversation with a "should be model." If that's not success, I'm not sure what is!
More dates came, and with them our relationship got deeper, stronger, & more passionate.
I made a list of everything I look for in a girl a year and half ago and after a few dates decided to compare this sweet girl named Rivki to it. I was amazed, everything I wanted in a girl she had. 14 things were on this list. She hit all 14 things without missing a thing!
3 months passed and I eventually felt that Rivki would make the most amazing wife and mother ever!
I realized that a girl like isn't one in a million, but rather one in a lifetime.
So I decided to do some very serious thinking and write down to myself if Rivki would truly make a great wife for me and if our differences could harmonize life's voyage.
It felt right in my heart, and intellectually seemed right too.
So I went to a jewelry story and bought a ring and asked to get it fitted.
The Jeweler asked when I wanted it complete, a week?
I told him tonight!
He was shocked, so was I! What was I doing!!
He said he would call me when it's done.
I then went home and went on with my day.
Rivki called me and told me she'd be on her way soon.
I talked to my advisers. My two really cool and young rabbi's about how to propose to a woman.
I got some priceless advice.
Bottom line, I learned that I had to make this extremely special! Because this is going to be a story I tell my kids and everyone!
I started to think of some kind of a plan... and then got a phone call from the Jeweler the the ring was ready and that he was going to leave it in my brothers office (yes I have a brother...if you didn't know).
I got in my car and called Rivki hoping she'd be at least 30 min away so I could get the ring in time and meet her. But she said she'd be 5-10 min. I didn't want my queen to wait any longer after a 2 hour bus ride, so I decided to pull over near the bus stop and wait for her.
She got out of the bus, we had a heart warming hello, and then drove off. I asked her where she wanted to go. She said she didn't know. I still had no clue myself where and how I was going to do this, and if it would even be tonight. Then the idea of going to Caesarea arose in my head. It's a gorgeous place built by King Herod 13 BCE.

I said I just had to stop off at my brothers office to get something.
So we drove to my brothers office, Rivki waited in the car while I ran to the office. My brother was in a meeting. So I had to wait 10 minutes until he finished up. Then he handed me the ring. It was in this big box and I was wearing slim fitted Armani pants. What was I to do? So I stuffed it into my pocket and tried to cover the bulge with my shirt!
I got back to the car and put it in my trunk.
Then we drove to the ancient city of Caesarea. Parked and I quickly grabbed the ring and stuff the box back in my pocket. Then we began walking. All of a sudden I hear this loud clanking!! I started to panic, Rivki could probably hear this noise! So in an urge of desperation I quickly said TELL ME A STORY!! She was bewildered and responded with what story, I don't know what to say on the spot! You tell me a story!
So I said ok! I began a story in hopes my voice would block out the sound of the ring bouncing around.
Then we found a cafe on the waterfront.
We sat, conversed, and enjoyed life.
Then I excused myself from the table and said I was going to use the washroom.
I found a quite place and called her father and out of respect I asked for his permission to marry his daughter.
He gave me his blessing.
I returned, motivated.
We finished up at the cafe and took a walk with the moonlight high above us.
I knew a very romantic spot to potentially ask her.
We got near the spot, but the gate to get there was locked!
So I figured I would just save the question for another day.
We continued walking. Then suddenly the phone rang and it was an old lady that Rivki volunteers with. The old lady cannot live without a volunteer injecting her with specific medication every 2 hours. She kindly asked if she could take the call, because Rivki never answers the phone when we're on a date (a decision she made herself). I said of course she could take the call.
That led me to walking around, which led to a parking lot. Then I saw this gorgeous scenery. It was blocked off by a fence and security guards.
Rivki finished her call, and I said I want to take her somewhere fascinating. I said we would have to hop the fence and not be seen by security.
She was in.
When the security guys looked away, we hopped over! We got to this beautiful scene in front of the sea, with rocks resting in water, ancient architecture all around us, the moonlight shining and the stars sparkling above us.
We agreed that this was just beautiful.
I took out a piece of paper. On it I had drawn the infinity sign.
I asked Rivki if she knew what this was. She said a number 8.
I said she was right, but when flipped to it's side it's the sign for infinity.
I asked her if she knew what's forever. She said "what?" I said "G-d."
In his name in Hebrew, you can spell out is, was, and will be from it's letters.
Then I said "Do you know what else is forever?" She said "what?"
I said "Love."
Then I got on my knee. My heart began pounding so hard.
I was so nervous.
Then I asked her the greatest question of a lifetime.
Will you marry me?
She said of course!
I put the ring on her finger. I shined a light on the ring and you could see the symbol of infinity built into the ring. She was stunned!
All I can say is that we cherished the moment.
We walked back to my car in a different parking lot and out of nowhere. I seriously have no clue where this came from. We heard on a loud speaker with a great voice in brilliant song a blessing that you would here at a Jewish wedding for a bride and groom and at the same time a random car had romantic classical music playing. Right away I got goosebumps and knew that was a sign, a "high five" from G-d giving me the go ahead that this is the right decision.
As we began our drive home, Rivki said, when you got out of the car to go to your brothers office. I called my friend and said, I can't explain it, but he's going to ask me to marry him tonight!
The rest is history.
That's my story to a new beginning.