Thursday, August 20, 2009

My First Challenge

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful." - Mark Victor Hansen

At first, I wasn't planning on posting this story. However I realized with every great accomplishment comes great challenges.

This is the story of my first challenge in Israel.

Yesterday, Thursday August 20th 2009. I decided to start completing my checklist of things to do as a new immigrant.

My checklist was given to me by an organization called Nefesh B'Nefesh, they hook people up with a lot of benefits when moving to Israel.
Anyway, the first thing to do on the list is get your ID card. So that's what I tried to do. However on the way my mom decided to take me to the bank to open an account. She meant well!
When we arrived, we had to wait 20minutes before our number got called.
We met with the bank adviser he ofcourse tells me that I need an ID card to open an account!

So we left and drove for another 20min to get an ID card.
When we got there......... the place was closed!

This is the best part!

We got back to our fairly new car, and guess what?

It wouldn't start!!

So we got it towed!

Yup. That was my first real day in Israel!

Not everything goes my way. It's not how hard you fall, it's how fast you get up!

So was my day ruined?

Not at all. At least I didn't have a job interview to be at, or some really important time bound appointment.

We got home eventually, I worked out, read books on finance, learned Hebrew, studied some Torah with my mom, and got a lot done.

Life is what you make of it.

On Sunday, I start yeshiva!

Have a great day!


Adam Ezekiel

1 comment:

  1. reminds me of the story of the chasid who sold his ancient family tefillin to buy the most beautiful esog. his wife was furious and destroyed his esrog. when the chasid found out, he smiled. "I don't have tefillin, so I can't do that mitzvah; I don't have a lulav and esrog, so I can't do that mitzvah. Should I now get angry on top of it all? That would just lead to further sin!

    So when things don't go according to plan, there is still a mitzvah to be found - don't get angry / sad. But more - BE JOYFUL!! mitzvah gedolah lihiyot b'simcha tamid!!
