Friday, September 11, 2009



not a boring place for even a second.

Where shall I begin this recap...

I know...

2 weekends ago, on Shabbat (the day of rest).
I was praying at synagogue, it was uplifting and meaningful!
Then at one point the congregation gets informed that there's going to be a 'brit melah'/circumcision. I've never seen one before...
So I figured, how intense could it be?
So I went to the front of the entire crowd of people and got close and personal with the little totler and his father (who I never met before in my entire life)

I worn you now, if you don't like to hear about blood and slicing of the penis skip this next paragraph!    


Im standing at the front of the crowd. The baby is being held by his grandfather, and the mohel (the guy that does the slicing) is praying intensly as he prepares his equipment for whats about to happen. A few minutes go by and I can feel the tension build up in my body. Finally the moment arrives he gives some instructions to the father about the knife and how to use it. Then it happened! The father took a knife and sliced the foreskin of his son's penis right off!! I immediately was in shock!! My mouth hit the floor!! The baby was crying, but because it was only 8 days old, the crying was so quite. Awwww. Then the mohel did something I still don't understand, so if someone wants to explain to me, please do. He put his mouth on the babys penis... yes you heard me...

Im still a little traumatized... I'll get over it!

Later on that week some other peculiar thing's happened! 
There is this person in yeshiva who is extremely friendly, always touchy feely, and always kisses me on both cheek, tells me I'm cute, asks me to sit on his lap, and always stares at me with such passion.
So... I felt the need to know what angle he has when he does/requests all these things. 
I started to feel uncomfortable...

He's not from North America, so I figured it might be a cultural difference Im just not used to, or that he's gay.

So one day I asked to talk to him privately. 
We talked.
And after a long introduction of me saying things like: I'm sorry if I offend you in anyway, this might be a stupid question, etc but I'd just like to know: Are you gay?

He looked at me and said....

I apologized. He said I have problems for thinking the way I did...
He said it was my problem and that he doesn't feel offended.
he asked me if I was gay too. I said no, and didn't feel offended!!

However, now he barely talks to me! He responds to anything I say with one word answers! and probably hates me! 

What was I suppose to do!? 

I encounter this person quite often during the day... I just wanted clarity.

Thats life though. I meant well, sometimes well isn't good enough!!
Hopefully I can mend the relationship so there's peace.

Here's another amazing experience/story!

Last week I went away for shabbat and spent it with my best friend Noah Cohen.
He invited me to one of his soldier's fathers house.
I met a diplomat there amongst other cool guests. 

Anyway the father told us the coolest story.
This is it.

He used to be a commander in some elite army unit many years ago. 
One day he was in Lebanon and was suppose to bomb a terrorist building.
However he had to enter another building beside it to check for booby traps to  fulfill the mission properly.  
In this building lived the richest people in the country. Each floor was 1 apartment. 
So him and his unit went from one apartment to another searching for bombs. 
Then they entered the wealthiest apartment of them all.
It had the most expensive furniture, and most lavish decor.
The father due to his high rank was told he had to check the master bedroom over all other soldiers for any explosives. He did just that and stumbled across a drawer that was abundant in priceless jewelry. Amongst all the pieces he saw a gorgeous colar with over 150 diamonds in it. He assumed it's value to be $500 000+. Something that could assist him in his life and financial goals and aspirations for the long road ahead.
He had about 10 seconds to make up his decision wether to steal the piece or not.
He remembered that his higher generals told them earlier during his training that they are not allowed to take anything that doesn't belong to them no matter what!

So with intense thought. He put it back in the drawer and walked away. 
The unit left the apartment and gave the information that entire building is free of booby traps.

They all then met with the higher generals for there next orders.
The head general asked if anyone had stolen anything, and if so they are about to get shot for real.

Yeah thats right.

Thank goodness He, nor anyone stole anything!!

He passed the test of morality. 


What a story!!

Ok friends, time for me to go the gym.

Have a wonderful day and a meaningful shabbat!!


  1. I don't understand... this was an Israeli general that would have shot one of their own for stealing? maybe I misunderstood... in any event this is a great application of what happened in the book of Joshua. and it's a great lesson in other battles... it's always tempting to give into a quick animal urge to lust after materialism, etc... but if a person can't control his animal soul at such an hour, imagine how he'd negatively influence the entire army during a real situation!

    Sorry about your Yeshiva friend. there is always a context to things, and due to our cultural norms now it's unclear when something is intended to be sexual and not. sitting on another man's lap seems like inappropriate conduct in almost any situation.

    Interesting that you wished a good shabbos over a happy new year. since Shabbos lands on Rosh Hashannah. Do we greet the Shabbos Queen, or do we recognize the King who sits in judgment? It's tempting to say the King, because He Reigns Supreme. But if I were a king, and my queen came in to greet everyone, and no one stood but waited for me instead, I would get really annoyed at everyone! I wonder what our sages say on this subject!! Adam, some research from the front lines!!

  2. Daniel, very well put!

    Yes, the way I was told the story the general would have shot one of their own- thats what the general claimed at least.

    It's the army though. Everything is physically and mentally difficult.

    Who the general really have shot? who know's. I doubt it. But then again some people take power and their job to a whole other level!

    In addition, everything worked out with my yeshiva friend. After many days of trying to heal the pain, I finally got through to him.

    Ill post the story ASAP.

    and lastly, you pose a very good question in regards to what we greet first Rosh Hashanah or Shabbat...

    I'll ask. But ill bet its Shabbat.


    Because in Judaism, we're suppose to do a mitzvah firstly depending on what we do more regularly. For example, we put our tsit tsit on first before our tefillin because we wear our tsit tsit more often than tefillin. Thus my hypothesis is the same with the greeting, deductively I suppose we greet Shabbat first and then the King.

    But ill look into it!

  3. I hope that you already got the answer about the Brit, but if not, I think that I can explain you about that.... :)

