340 days
3 Doctors
2 Orthopedists
1 Ultrasound
1 Electromyography (EMG)
3 Physiotherapists
Chinese Acupuncture
Japanese Acupuncture
Countless painkillers
& One desire to overcome no matter what the cost.
I got injured back in March 2011 in my shoulder and shoulder blade region.
It has been almost a year. I lost over 20 pounds of weight from this injury, mostly muscle.
I've gone through a roller coaster of emotions.
Everyday I woke up in pain. Every night I would go to sleep with a constant ache hoping everyday that this would somehow just go away.
But that's life right. You can't choose your problems, you can only choose to do whatever it takes to overcome them.
I never gave up, though came close, I kept fighting.
I changed my direction. Instead of trying to build my upper body strong, I focused on cardio, abs, and legs at the gym.
I kept my focus.
I got a job at a gym and learned as much as possible about how to run a company.
I soaked up knowledge, gained new insights, and progressed.
Today I did my first set of push ups on the ground without having any pain during or after.
Motivation is everything.
Now marriage.
First of all, I must say that the wedding was the best day of my life.
I got all my close family members and best men to take of major responsibilities so I could really focus on the specialness of the day.
I had my friends answer my cell phone, book my accommodations for after the wedding, decorate my car and hotel room, and more.
I really got into the day.
The wedding itself was so special, and I'm so grateful I married the right woman.
Being married feels complete.
You have a day, fill it with challenges and solutions, work, hobbies, and learning and at the end of the day you have someone to share it with.
It's brilliant.
Don't get me wrong, marriage has challenges.
The greatest challenge is learning to speak to a woman the way a woman wants to be spoken to.
Here's an example when a guy speaks to a guy:
Hey bro, it was nice spending the last few hours with you, now I gotta hit the books hard. See you later.
If you said the same thing to a girl, she would take it so different, as if you don't want to spend time with her, and that she was a burden.
So you learn to say it like this:
Hey honey, it was so nice spending the day with you.
I enjoyed __________, _________, ________.
You're amazing.
I have some studying to do, would it be ok if I could prepare myself.
Thats marriage.
Communication is everything. Learning to communicate properly takes hard work, but the rewards are priceless and a happy home.
A happy wife is a happy life.
Adam Ezekiel
hey adam!!! im so happy to hear your loving your new life and that you've completely recovered from your injury!! btw i totally agree with you... motivation is deff a big key to success!!
ReplyDeletei absolutely love love love the wedding pics!! theyre stunning! you both look so beautiful and happy together!! may Hashem bless you with only simchas ve arichas yomim veshanim tovot...ad me'ah vi'esrim shana :) (did i say it correctly? ;) lol
well anyways i really miss you guys and cant wait to see you again! facebook me! love, leah :D