Friday, November 13, 2009

Bomb on my Train!

Hi friends and family!

Do I have a story for you!

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me to hang out on the beach. I figured a nice swim and tan would do me good from all the Torah I've been learning and hard work I've been putting into my future.

So the time came, I packed a bag of beach apparel, a book on finance & investing, and a sidur (prayer book). 

I got on the train and enjoyed a pleasant ride to Tel Aviv beach.
However on the way amongst the relaxing journey I realized I still hadn't prayed my afternoon prayers (called mincha) so I decided to go look for a nice quite spot to pray.

I told the soldier's sitting beside me that I'd return shortly.

So I left my bag, book, and bottle of water on my seat. 

I took a stroll with my sidur to find a quality spot where I could concentrate on my prayers. 

I walked through a few trains carts and found the perfect spot to invest sometime to pray to God. I got focused and prayed a very meaningful meditation. 

After about 10 minutes or so I started to walk back to my seat. 

Along the way, a train employee asked me in Hebrew "is the bag over there yours?" 
There must have been over 50 people on that particular cart. Thus I couldn't get a good look of what bag he was pointing to, in addition I could have sworn I sat somewhere else in a different cart completely, so I said "no."

I started walking through the train looking for my seat.

I looked for my stuff as a designated marker for where my seat was.

All of sudden I had walked to the opposite end of the entire length of the train and hadn't seen my stuff. 

Then I heard on the intercom in Hebrew: "Is someone missing a grey bag. If so come speak to a representative."

So I walked back to other end of the train looking for an employee, and of course there aren't any to be found. 

Then I hear on the intercom that my stop is the next one!

I start asking passengers where I can find an employee, and no one has a clue!

Then my stop arrives, so I figure, ill take a step out of the train and ask a worker standing on the platform to help me. I saw an employee whom worked at the train station (not from my train) but standing on the platform and said "excuse me." 

The young woman looked at me.

I said "come here please"

she then shrugged her shoulders...

Maybe she was confused...

So I repeated, "excuse me, could you help me."

This time she raised her arms up, gesturing in body language as if she said "what"

Now every second that passes the door could close with all my stuff on the train.

So I yelled in Hebrew: "HELP!!!"

As she finally realized something was wrong... she begna walking toward me, and ofcourse the train doors began to close so I jumped back on the train!

Now im not an expert in customer service, nor in security. But in Toronto, an employee in the same situation would have stopped the train for at least a minute to help...

but T.I.I, This Is Israel.

Anyway, now I'm starting to feel my heart race.

Im thinking, what if they got rid of my bag by now? They might think its a bomb...

So I pick up my pace and look for any worker on site. 

I finally find a worker on the opposite end of the train and ask him, "where is my bag?"

He freaks out and yells "are you normal!! I asked you a while ago if your bag was the one I pointed out."

Feeling embarrassed I told him that I had forgotten exactly where I sat. 

He told me my bag was about to be blown up incase it had a bomb in it!!

I said "there's no bomb, just books and beach stuff. Relax"

He said "relax? This isn't switzerland. This is Israel. Terrorists want to destroy this country. Don't tell me to relax."

You know what, he was right.

I learned my lesson. Do not leave bags lying around because it can frighten others, and is a safety precaution. 

Unfortunately this world isn't perfect and some people in their passion of hatred would blow up a train and kill hundreds because they think people like me, a Jew, an Israeli is an evil being, and should be wiped of the face of this country. 

Nonetheless, Im alive!
I made it to the beach and had a wonderful day.

Now I look back and laugh!

What a safe country I live in!

Have a great day and to those celebrating the day of rest Shabbat Shalom!

Adam Ezekiel

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It's been a while. 

I've had some technical difficulties trying to access my blog recently because of internet blocking software...

Anyway, I think everything is cool now.

So here's my latest update.

I ended up making peace with my fellow student at yeshiva. The whole disaster occurred after I asked him if he is a homosexual. Don't get me wrong, I didn't blatantly ask the question "Are you gay", I tried my very best to be as polite and as smooth as possible. 

It took a lot of hard work to make peace between us. I wrote him an apology letter, he never read it. I asked to speak to him to fix things, he refused. I said sorry, he walked away.

So I said, that's it! 
I got shut down 3 times!
I've dated girls and they never ignored me this long after a fight, after you apologize you at least get to have a conversation with them again about the whole situation.
This guy wouldn't even give me the time of day!

So after 8 awkward days, the gentlemen and I were both in the same area of space. He looked at me and said would you like something to eat. 
I stopped in my tracks, quite shocked and nodded my head "no." 

A minute later I told the student that I didn't want food, but rather peace. 

I told him it was the day before Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year). I asked him, how are you suppose to ask Gd for world peace, when you can't even make peace in your own school. He agreed, and we spent the next 3 hours working everything out.

Honestly, it was a really incredible feeling!
Just to have things peaceful and calm, something so simple, really made all the difference in my life.

It just goes to show you there can be peace in the middle east!

What else has happened...

My best friend Noah from Toronto is enlisted in the Israeli army. Amongst his incredible bravery, passion, charisma, and intelligence he has made some really incredible friends in Israel. Why is this awesome? Well because having great friends is important, and also because those friends transferred over to me! Yes!! 
One of those friends Noah made by coincidence or rather divine providence lives in the same community as my parents- Kfar Yona (a suburb near Natanya). We've been getting really close, and through him he's introduced me to tons of people in my neighborhood.

In fact last night was the first night in Israel that I had 3 sets of friends wanting to hang out all on the same night! One group of friends wanted me to come to a movie, another to a house party, and another to a bar.
Sure, that might be no big deal to some of your reading this. But to me, it was an incredible feeling! I've been here for 1 and half months, starting off with essentially no friends. In a short period of time to hit it off is such a reassuring feeling that life in Israel is really flourishing! This is a major accomplishment to me!

Another recent incredible experience I had was I went to the best concert ever! No really, it was the best concert I ever went to! I was front row to an artist named Matisyahu. He was incredible live! The crowd was roaring! 
It was my first ever concert where the artist was Jewish and religious. 
The lyrics were meaningful, and the ambiance was radiating with joy!
There were about 4000 people there!
I went with a whole bunch of friends from yeshiva. 

Check him out on youtube!

Im also on holidays now for another week.
It's during this time that Im completing all my immigration paper work- Fun!!

Everything works out, but often times never the first time when it comes to government bureaucracy! 

I've been guided numerous times to offices to receive certain benefits, and then after hours of traveling and waiting, been told I'm in the wrong spot or am missing certain other things and to come back again!

Honestly, I just laugh it off now! 

As much as Israel is an incredible country. It is in my opinion quite disorganized. 
Nonetheless the advantages of this nation greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

Anyway, until next time, may this year be a wonderful adventure with lots of joy, happiness, success and health.


Adam Ezekiel




Friday, September 11, 2009



not a boring place for even a second.

Where shall I begin this recap...

I know...

2 weekends ago, on Shabbat (the day of rest).
I was praying at synagogue, it was uplifting and meaningful!
Then at one point the congregation gets informed that there's going to be a 'brit melah'/circumcision. I've never seen one before...
So I figured, how intense could it be?
So I went to the front of the entire crowd of people and got close and personal with the little totler and his father (who I never met before in my entire life)

I worn you now, if you don't like to hear about blood and slicing of the penis skip this next paragraph!    


Im standing at the front of the crowd. The baby is being held by his grandfather, and the mohel (the guy that does the slicing) is praying intensly as he prepares his equipment for whats about to happen. A few minutes go by and I can feel the tension build up in my body. Finally the moment arrives he gives some instructions to the father about the knife and how to use it. Then it happened! The father took a knife and sliced the foreskin of his son's penis right off!! I immediately was in shock!! My mouth hit the floor!! The baby was crying, but because it was only 8 days old, the crying was so quite. Awwww. Then the mohel did something I still don't understand, so if someone wants to explain to me, please do. He put his mouth on the babys penis... yes you heard me...

Im still a little traumatized... I'll get over it!

Later on that week some other peculiar thing's happened! 
There is this person in yeshiva who is extremely friendly, always touchy feely, and always kisses me on both cheek, tells me I'm cute, asks me to sit on his lap, and always stares at me with such passion.
So... I felt the need to know what angle he has when he does/requests all these things. 
I started to feel uncomfortable...

He's not from North America, so I figured it might be a cultural difference Im just not used to, or that he's gay.

So one day I asked to talk to him privately. 
We talked.
And after a long introduction of me saying things like: I'm sorry if I offend you in anyway, this might be a stupid question, etc but I'd just like to know: Are you gay?

He looked at me and said....

I apologized. He said I have problems for thinking the way I did...
He said it was my problem and that he doesn't feel offended.
he asked me if I was gay too. I said no, and didn't feel offended!!

However, now he barely talks to me! He responds to anything I say with one word answers! and probably hates me! 

What was I suppose to do!? 

I encounter this person quite often during the day... I just wanted clarity.

Thats life though. I meant well, sometimes well isn't good enough!!
Hopefully I can mend the relationship so there's peace.

Here's another amazing experience/story!

Last week I went away for shabbat and spent it with my best friend Noah Cohen.
He invited me to one of his soldier's fathers house.
I met a diplomat there amongst other cool guests. 

Anyway the father told us the coolest story.
This is it.

He used to be a commander in some elite army unit many years ago. 
One day he was in Lebanon and was suppose to bomb a terrorist building.
However he had to enter another building beside it to check for booby traps to  fulfill the mission properly.  
In this building lived the richest people in the country. Each floor was 1 apartment. 
So him and his unit went from one apartment to another searching for bombs. 
Then they entered the wealthiest apartment of them all.
It had the most expensive furniture, and most lavish decor.
The father due to his high rank was told he had to check the master bedroom over all other soldiers for any explosives. He did just that and stumbled across a drawer that was abundant in priceless jewelry. Amongst all the pieces he saw a gorgeous colar with over 150 diamonds in it. He assumed it's value to be $500 000+. Something that could assist him in his life and financial goals and aspirations for the long road ahead.
He had about 10 seconds to make up his decision wether to steal the piece or not.
He remembered that his higher generals told them earlier during his training that they are not allowed to take anything that doesn't belong to them no matter what!

So with intense thought. He put it back in the drawer and walked away. 
The unit left the apartment and gave the information that entire building is free of booby traps.

They all then met with the higher generals for there next orders.
The head general asked if anyone had stolen anything, and if so they are about to get shot for real.

Yeah thats right.

Thank goodness He, nor anyone stole anything!!

He passed the test of morality. 


What a story!!

Ok friends, time for me to go the gym.

Have a wonderful day and a meaningful shabbat!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

THRIVING, a level beyond success!!

How do you know you're living out your maximum potential?

When your body, mind, and soul are flourishing.
Your relationships are incredible, and you gain friends easily, when your intellect is expanding, your finaces are maturing, and your spirit is elevating and your affinity with God is exquisite.

Essentially every aspect of your life is incredible.

This is how I feel, this is how I'm living!

Here's my week's events summed up.

I went to a government office to get some paperwork sorted out, and after waiting my turn for about 2 hours in a very busy office, I got called up. What I saw shocked me!
The woman in front of me who was talking to the government adviser was with her children, so far this is normal. Whats not normal was that she had her baby on her lap BREAST FEEDING while conversating with the adviser like everything is normal!! Her breasts were just out and about for the world to see!

I freaked out for about 10 seconds, and then burst into laughter!!

Where the heck am I!!!!

Israel, the land of milk & mommy!


Then on Sunday August 23rd 2009 I joined yeshiva called Mechon Meir.
It's amazing, yeah you heard me!!
All my roommates are Israeli and speak Hebrew. Im learning the language fast! They correct my grammer all day! But thats what I want, challenge.

In addition, like water flows, new found friends connect with me, easily.

In one week I must have made 2 new very close friends, and an abundance of aquinatences- with the high potential of growth for great friendship!!

The Torah studying here is incredible too. From learning about Chumash (aka Torah), Navi (aka Prophets), Halacha (aka Jewish Law), how to pray, zionism, and so, so much more they cover it all including trips throughout israel!! WORD UP.
Essentially from morning until night I learn Torah.

Ofcourse im not some crazy religious fanatic and abadon my other priorites so I obviously joined a gym! I hustled the owner to get a great price!

The best part is this!

A rabbi this week asked students in a class why we're in yeshiva. No one put up their hand, except me...ok...
I told him, and the student body that in order for a human being to achieve greatness he/she needs 3 things.

1. A healthy, fit, and beautiful body.
One must be happy and confident with his/her body.

2. An intelligent mind. Hence education is crucial, reading, completing courses, and the expansion of knowledge is a must. I then mentioned that I have a university degree in kinesiology and that I am a personal trainer.

3. And most importantly one must work on their connection with the Creator of the universe. The soul must be binded with proper spiritual nutrients- the Torah.

That is why I am here in yeshiva.
Because I spent my entire life investing in my body, and mind and neglected time and effort into my soul, its time for a new investment. Relative to my 23 years of life my soul is still starving for a greater relationship with God.

So here I am.

I didn't try to sound like a commercial! That's really just how I feel!!
After the class, people were lining up to learn more and they wanted me to personal train them!!

So guess what. I signed them up based on my price and schedule.

Now I'm one of the only students in yeshiva making money, not losing it!

L I F E I S G R E A T.


Also, without giving too many details I made friends with someone at this yeshiva who is soul searching for his first time. We connected strongly and after a few days he took me out for dinner and shared with me his life story. Ultimately he told me he wants to kill himself.
Somehow, I found the right words to say, and helped him feel loved and cared for.
Today he doesn't want to kill himself, he still has a lot to work on, his problems aren't all solved, but whatever I did, changed him, and the world!

What an accomplishment.


And lastly, for those of you that know Yoni/Vadim from Thornhill/Westmount he goes to the same yeshiva as me, and we have become great friends. If you think I have an amazing story how I became have got to speak to him!!

He's doing very well.


Thanx for keeping up with me!
I look forward to hearing from you amazing friends soon!!

Have a great weekend, and a special uplifting shabbat!

In addition, Im very busy so if you need to contact me immediately please do so via my cell (get the # from my facebook or ask me for it privately, id post it here but the entire world can read this). Im trying to work out internet at my yeshiva, and will keep you posted for skype and ichat opportunities.


Adam Ezekiel

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My First Challenge

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful." - Mark Victor Hansen

At first, I wasn't planning on posting this story. However I realized with every great accomplishment comes great challenges.

This is the story of my first challenge in Israel.

Yesterday, Thursday August 20th 2009. I decided to start completing my checklist of things to do as a new immigrant.

My checklist was given to me by an organization called Nefesh B'Nefesh, they hook people up with a lot of benefits when moving to Israel.
Anyway, the first thing to do on the list is get your ID card. So that's what I tried to do. However on the way my mom decided to take me to the bank to open an account. She meant well!
When we arrived, we had to wait 20minutes before our number got called.
We met with the bank adviser he ofcourse tells me that I need an ID card to open an account!

So we left and drove for another 20min to get an ID card.
When we got there......... the place was closed!

This is the best part!

We got back to our fairly new car, and guess what?

It wouldn't start!!

So we got it towed!

Yup. That was my first real day in Israel!

Not everything goes my way. It's not how hard you fall, it's how fast you get up!

So was my day ruined?

Not at all. At least I didn't have a job interview to be at, or some really important time bound appointment.

We got home eventually, I worked out, read books on finance, learned Hebrew, studied some Torah with my mom, and got a lot done.

Life is what you make of it.

On Sunday, I start yeshiva!

Have a great day!


Adam Ezekiel

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Moving to Israel

It never really hit me that I was moving to Israel until I was sitting on the plane as it started to take off from Toronto Pearson International Airport and watched the entire city start to shrink as the aircraft took off into the sky.

The flight was amazing!
I made friends with some interesting people, ate like a champ- I got the flight attendant to hook up 3 meals instead of 1 for dinner!

I also have a great lesson I'd like to share with you.

Lesson #1:
How not to get jet lagged
If you're flying to a country that has a different time zone plan whether or not you should sleep on the flight. Then actualize the plan! You determine whether you should sleep by knowing what time of day you arrive.

For example, I flew from Toronto on August 17th at 7:55pm to Israel. I knew I'd arrive at 2:05pm the next day.
Do you think I should have slept or stayed up for the 11 hour flight?

I slept for about 8 hours, and ofcourse I did not experience jet lag.

The organization the large group of new immigrants and I flew with hooked us up by completing paperwork with us on the flight.

When I arrived, I felt amazing! The weather was gorgeous and hot. I love the heat and when I see palm tree's I know I'm in the right place.
All my luggage arrived in one piece and my mom was there to greet me with a big smile, and a warm hug!

I'll remember that day the rest of my life.

Adam Ezekiel

My First Blog

This is awesome!

My first ever blog!

The reason I put this thing together is because somehow I managed to make the most amazing friends this world ever knew and I think it's important to keep in touch with them.

So if you're reading this now, this blog was made for you!


Adam Ezekiel