Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Year Anniversary

I can’t even believe it.

It has been 1 year since I moved to Israel, that’s 365 days, a total of 8, 760 hours.

What can I really say?

Was it worth it?


I gained so much.

In the time I’ve been here I’ve managed to make a lot of friends. But not just regular friends, not the kind you just wave to, or acquaint. I’ve made friends with people that enrich my life, that have self respect, that love, and give, and are deep oriented. In fact most of my friends are religious/spiritual people that connect with me on a whole other level. It’s truly a gift.

I’ve also managed to learn Hebrew quite well. Sure, it’s not perfect. I don’t have a natural Israeli accent, and can’t understand the prime minster speak…yet. But for a year I’ve been told it’s incredible and that people that have been here for years can’t speak like me.

Furthermore, I’ve been in yeshiva (a school for spiritual and religious development) for the entire year. This experience alone has evolved my entire being to it’s greatest potential yet. I’ve learned how to pray and when. Essentially I’ve learned how to conduct myself to live a more righteous way of life along with making a relationship with the Creator of the universe. I feel like I’ve acquired some great tools to be a better person, and one day great husband and father. Ultimately I’m happier for coming to yeshiva.

I’ve improved my relationships with my family. I now spend quality time regularly with my brother, my nephew’s, nieces, cousins, uncles, and aunt’s and of course my parents.

If managed to keep in touch with close friends and family over sea’s as well and believe I’ve done a good job.

I also started a happiness group on facebook (feel free to join: I made it because I want to change the world and this was a way of doing it fast and immediately. Making people happier, what a joy!

I even met a really nice girl, the future is an open book, and so far the pages are full of bright vibrant colour’s and incredible stories.

The next step for me is drafting in the Israeli army.

I begin October 17th 2010.

I’m very excited about serving in the Israeli army. I get to give a hand to a country I love and believe in. I get to assist the Jewish people, I get to make more life long friends, advance my Hebrew, and give back to G-d in a new way I’ve never experienced before.

There are many countries around Israel that wish for its destruction, thus Israel need’s an army, and therefore I will join it and protect my prized possession with passion and pride.

That’s my year summed up.

I’ve been working on a documentary of my year and it’s almost done. Stay tuned for it’s release.

Check out my last documentary on my trip to France, Amsterdam, Italy, and Israel from 2008-2009:

Have a great day!

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