Israel vs. Canada
Reasons to live in Canada:
- The potential to make money is high
- I have an entire life history there
- Im familiar with the culture
- I have a great network
- I have a collection of incredible friends and can grow with them even further
- I have my Rabbi and Jewish community there
- I had a condo there
- There are 4 extremely different seasons there
- I know the language
Disadvantages of living in Canada:
- The weather is quite cold. You have to dress for the weather.
- I might not get rich...
- I have no family at all in Canada. So while every single one of my friends is going to their family's for dinners/events, I'd accompany them as a guest every single time until I get married. Then I'd visit my wife's family and my children get close with their mothers' parents, but not so much with mine.
- Canada is mostly an indoor society. Sure there's skiing, skating, boating, pimpin chalets, and cottages, etc, but you know what im saying. Israel is so outdoors, where Canada is soo the mall, and chilling in homes...
- The older I get and more established I become, the harder it is to pick up and move to Israel in the future.
- Potentially I won't want to move here in 10 years. Maybe my kids will really be happy in their schools, or the wife won't want to leave, or I'll keep postponing it.
Advantages of living in Israel:
- The weather is amazing
- My mom, dad, brother- his wife and 4 children, a few uncles, aunts, and cousins live here.
- I could master another language- Hebrew.
- There are incredible beaches here
- There will be ample opportunity to building new friendships and working on my old ones- for life.
- In a sense, I get to start over. Which is exciting!
- The kind of woman I want: kind, caring, beautiful, intelligent/educated, spiritual/religious, Hebrew/English speaking, funny, loving, etc, are likely found here. (I found a good one!)
- I could still be financially successful here (potentially)- sure the economy isn't like Canada's but success can be achieved anywhere.
- Israel will pay for me to get an entire degree here for free!! Which leaves options wide open.
- I could walk around wearing my kippah with pride, and not be stared at like im an outcast.
- I could be as religious or nonreligious as I want and there will be tons of people in the same boat as me.
- I could eat kosher food without having to look for it
- My ancestors died and fought for this land
- It's a mitzvah to live here
- I could help build the Jewish community here
- My door is open to my friends and loved ones
Disadvantages of living in Israel:
- I'm not by my friend's side- no longer part of their ongoing daily lives-physically, (mentally i am...at least I like to think so!)
- I can't watch them grow up- only through a screen. Which isn't the same.
- Security- getting on a bus isn't quite the same as in Canada.
- The government sometimes makes some inappropriate decisions
- The salaries aren't as high as Canada, I might not get rich...
- People's attitudes can be quite pessimistic, and rude...(don't forget this is the middle east).
I'd gladly serve.
So before I made the move I went to one of the bases and asked about how much time I would have to serve...I was told 6 months.
In the end I made the move!!
The transition of moving to Israel has been spectacular. I've made more friends than I thought I would in such a short period of time. My Hebrew skills have evolved. My spiritual level has increased, I've made some good money so far, my body is at it's all time greatest shape and health, I've got a tan, my relationships have gotten better with those closest to me, I found myself a wonderful woman, and all that I've dreamed for has come true!
What's the challenge in this rose garden?
Well ofcourse...the army!!
To make a long story short and without giving away confidential information that could be harmful to Israel and or myself in anyway...
I'll put it like this...
The army told me I had to serve 2 years and not 6 months! The reason being is that I was here as a tourist at age 21 for longer than 120 days and the law is I have to serve 2 years.
I was in shock when I found out.
I spent 5 months trying to alter my situation...it wasn't easy because it's a law that I serve.
However after lots of advice, the right people, ton's of prayer, and a lawyer.
Things were altered and I will be serving 6 months on October 17th 2010!!
The lesson of the story is that even when you think there is no way out, if you put your heart and soul into something and you fight with everything you have you will get what you want- there's no other way.
Adam Ezekiel
Amazing story. From this we assuredly learn the power of tefillah in Eretz Israel. I'm going to face east today with new kavanot.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you are doing well. Keep up the learning.
I love you Dan!! Im about to pray mincha myself and ill pray with extra concentration, thanx to your words of inspiration and because it's true. The harder you pray the better the message gets across.
ReplyDeleteDan, you know I prayed over 420 times (5 months x 3 times a day) to get my army situation sorted out!!
Hashem heard me loud and clear!!
May all that you pray for come true too!
420 times... nice. 420 is the gematria of "Yad Ish Milchama" - the Hand of the Man of War. How true it is that we case our burdens upon H" and He smites down all the obstacles... keep it real.